NGO’s online reputation management strategy:

·        -Broaden our internet presence.

·        -Pay attention to our social media accounts.

·        -Involve a blend of internet monitoring and message control.

·        -Create unique and reliable content.

·        -Update our content and important information.

·       -Take note of our audience’s views.

·        -Listen attentively to our audiences.

·        -Make genuine amends.

·        -Pay attention to our google search results.

·        -Constantly clean up search results.

·        -Control content that is on our sites.

·        -Build reputation online.

·        -Correct misinformation online.

·        -Repair damaged reputation.

·        -Refrain from having online arguments.

·        -Address criticism.

·        -React quickly and politely.

·        -Be available.

·        -Improve operations.


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